Predictive marketing: tracking down sales before customers!

Soucce: Pixabay

Society went digital in the space of a few years, so our businesses had to adapt to this digital revolution. The advent of the Internet, the arrival of Big Data… so many elements that explain the promises of predictive marketing. By anticipating the behaviour of your potential customers in order to adapt your advertising strategy in real time, a dream becomes reality!

Predictive marketing: a new way to approach relationships with your customers!

The digitialisation of the economy has radically changed business activity not only online, which goes without saying, but offline as well in the day-to-day running of businesses. Predictive marketing is indisputable and undisputed proof of that.

In the past, marketing used to involve understanding the behaviour of clients and potential clients by carrying out after the fact analysis. Today, predictive marketing facilitates a priori analysis and adjustment. As a general rule, anticipating the behaviour of Internet users or potential customers is still the end goal of this new generation of marketing.

Predictive marketing opens up new opportunities that is set to expand even further in the coming years. This also involves companies having to adapt in terms of data collection and analysis.

Big data and social networks: personalised advertising of businesses

It is from Big Data (gathering and analysing all of the data flows circulating online) and social media monitoring (listening to what is written on the various social networks) that we are able to create powerful algorithms to predict the behaviour of a potential customer.

For instance, if you can predict the behaviour of a customer looking for another service provider for a given task, a business may send him or her an advertising message in order to regain their trust. From a different perspective, thanks to predictive marketing, a business, whether it be a multinational, an SME, or even a microbusiness, will be warned that a given prospect is looking for reassurance rather than a more attractive price. Advertising, aimed at this prospect, will then be personalised in order to materialise this prediction.

It is not difficult to understand the usefulness and power of predictive marketing for every company’s marketing and advertising activities. With the ability to predict certain actions, this marketing 2.0 puts every business a step ahead, provided that they have integrated all of the ins and outs of said method.

Giving SMEs and microbusinesses a boost in their development with predictive marketing

Whilst predictive marketing facilitates more efficient advertising and more personalised advertising promotions, it nonetheless demands that each service realigns the way in which it works. Predictive marketing affects every business, including SMEs and sole traders, especially given the unprecedented and continuous progress made in this field.

At a time when data is multiplying, a sole trader must not allow itself to be overtaken by a bigger company, whereas an SME will rely on this new marketing method to take their business to the next level.

Using these algorithms, with the purpose of implementing such a marketing goal, is now within the reach of every business, regardless of its size. However, for SMEs, global groups, multinationals and microbusinesses alike, adapting to this trend will entail a redefinition of the roles and missions allocated to each one. Once a company has anticipated the actions of customers or potential customers, the sales department must then provide real added value, either through giving advice or by strengthening the relationship with the customer.