The importance of visual identity: immediate company recognition

Graphic designers are idea communicators. Besides the beauty of an image, the graphic designer conveys, through his visual designs, company values and policies or a concept through given choices. The graphic reference work 100 ans de couleur (“100 years of colour”), published by Editions Eyrolles, reveals why colour criteria have evolved so much through the years.

Graphic designer: visual and brand image professional

Graphic design calls for 2 combined skills: an artistic and creative gift, as well as a facility for understanding and implementing the client’s needs.

In a recently published work “100 ans de couleur”, we are reminded that well before the digital and IT era, the image creator’s role already involved knowing how to convey values, marketing or human policy by using meticulous and calculated visual conceptions.

Of course graphic designers’ colour codes have changed during each different era. The graphic designer must know how to create visual identities using each new trend’s colorimetric codes and customs, despite the fact that they may well change each year! The book, “100 ans de couleur” retraces the history of image creation over the last century and demonstrates, not only the graphic designer’s immersion in his time, but also the major role graphics have played in communication since 1900. For the graphic designer of 2016, therefore, “100 years of colour” is a work of important graphic resources, and one where the designer can draw on yesterday’s graphic ideas to realise tomorrow’s.

Why is visual identity such an important marketing vehicle for a company?

Reference works such as “100 ans de couleur” demonstrate the importance of graphic ideas through the years. Of course, graphic tools have evolved, however the means of conception remain the same: the graphic designer is an artist and also one of the first elements in a successful marketing communication; irrespective of the era.

When a company is established, the visual identity is an indispensable communication factor. It requires attention, care, personalisation and a capacity to create the tools (logos, brochures, advertising supports and so on) to highlight the company’s key concepts.

The graphic designer is the first in the line of many visual conceptors, in creating a coherent and adapted graphic chart for the company’s business objectives. Whether it’s for printing graphics or for the creation of personalised company pages, the graphic designer has the tools and capacity to transform marketing concepts into effective and modern visuals. He should also possess all the necessary expertise to offer a visual identity deliberately offbeat, anachronistic or resolutely futuristic, all according to your wishes and the products to be promoted.

So, entrusting the visual communication of your firm to the personalised graphic skills of a company such as Margy, guarantees immediate recognition and personalised communication for your company.